Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Intro to my ePortfolio

This ePortfolio is a collection of writings from the past several years. The intention behind this small sample of my writing life is to showcase the ways in which I have changed both as a writer and as a human being. I will be concentrating mostly on the work I have done at Foothill College, with a few pieces from high school thrown in. I would like to show my professor, my peers, and myself, a small piece of who I am and how going to college has changed me. I want to portray both my creative and intellectual efforts in writing during my academic years, and how I have not only changed, but am continuing to change on a constant basis. These samples of my writing will range from creative pieces like poems and narratives, to more intellectual works like essays and critical reviews of articles, plays etc. I will also, in order for my readers to understand my motives better, include an audio clip describing what I would mlike for my readers to understand about me through this ePortoflio. In the future, I will use this ePortfolio as a place to collect future writings and academic endeavors, and as a way to procure the opinions of others on these works. I would like to connect with other students and faculty members on my literary efforts, and to ask for their input on how I can improve. I would also like to solicit suggestions for new topics of interest in writing, and perhaps different styles or themes. Feedback on my work is my main incentive in making this ePortfolio

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

50 points. This is a good start Anna, but I have some suggestions (as usual:)

1) You need to state your name etc. for the benefit of readers who may not know you.

2) You need to give a table-of-contents or overview or preview of coming attractions to help people "navigate" through your site efficiently.

3) Is there some overarching narrative or journey or tale which helps tie your selections together and which can help draw readers/viewers deeper into the portfolio to understand its larger purpose. You mention your "development as a writer" but say nothing, so far, about what that entails.

4) From the point of view of a creative writer -- or a future marketing porfessional -- your eportfolio introduction lacks "sizzle."
