Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Honors Infomercial

For my Honors Institute Infomercial, I would want to do it in the style of a documentary. I would want to interview students, (only students), about what they’ve gotten out of this program. I would want to have part of the infomercial focus just on some brief facts such as how to get into the program, how to become an honors scholar and what being an honors scholar means. Then I would want to move on to interview specifically people who have really gotten something out of the honors program, emphasizing those who have been admitted into UCLA because of signing TAP. I would also want to find people who have a specific class or teacher that they really learned a lot from, and for them to explain what about this specific honors experience really changed them or taught them something. I would then want to possibly interview some popular teachers who could talk about their teaching style in honors, how it differs from normal classes, and what they hope that their students will get out of taking these honors classes. I would want to discuss the variety of classes that are offered in honors, and how easy it is to be accepted. I would also want there to be a marketing strategy such as people discussing what classes they would like to have offered in honors that aren’t already offered, or how they wish that certain classes would occur more often in a quarter, or more often in a year, or how they wish more teachers would teach honors classes. This strategy would encourage more students to join the honors institute because they would see that if they did they could help the institute offer more classes, and it would encourage more teachers to teach honors classes because they would see that this would benefit the students.

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

25 points. Wow, Anna, I really like your "script"! Shows off your marketing talents to good effect.